Goals are game specific. They are completely separate from any expectations and apply ONLY to the relevant game. They can be entered for daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly tracking depending on the kind of game you are running. If you are entering goals for a Team Tracking game, these will be the combined goals you want your entire team to hit, for the day, week, etc…

Expectations are set up for each player individually through the Roster and do NOT rely on games. These can also be set up for a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. A player can have Expectations even if he/she is not a part of any active game. As soon as a player logs in, they will see the a graph with the expectations you have set for them and how close they are to achieving those.

Expectations are the current pulse of your business – where you need to be on a day-to-day basis. Goals are where you want to be. 

A More Detailed Look at our new Public Expectations from Larissa Sprecher on Vimeo.

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