You can set them on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, just like your game goals.

Expectations are your non-negotiables. They are where you get down to brass tacks, no wiggle room, no excuses numbers. You know where you start making money, and the production your team has to do to keep you there or above. Because you’re a good business owner, you’ve learned the activities it takes to keep your team at that production. Individual Expectations are there to help you define and track those baseline minimums.

You have the option of setting these Expectations to public – so each player can see if everyone else is pulling their weight – or private. Whichever fits your coaching mode. Either way, there is a good reason we put the Expectations right on your Dashboard, and as the first thing your team members see. If a player doesn’t reach the expectations you set for them, they haven’t just missed out on a bonus or other incentive, they are quite literally in the red. Expectations are not just where you’d like your team to be. Expectations are where they need to be. 

Check out this video to find out more. Trouble Having issues with Youtube? Find the same video below on Vimeo. A More Detailed Look at our new Public Expectations from Larissa Sprecher on Vimeo.

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