When you open up the game settings, you’ll see a list of the trackables the game creator has set up, and be able to choose from a drop down of your trackalbes to match your closest trackable to each of theirs. For instance. They may have set up “Auto Apps,” which in your account might be “New Auto.”

If you don’t have any trackables close to theirs, you will have the option of cloning their trackable – which will add it to your trackable list. Or you’ll be able to create a new trackable. If they have a value trackable that is similar to a current quantity based trackable you have (for instance, if they have “New Bank loan” set up as a value trackable, and you have something similar) you can choose to edit an existing trackable to change it to a value trackable.

So, to review. Mapping means choosing a similar trackable, creating a new one, editing an existing entry, or cloning their entry so your Scoreboard looks close to the Scoreboard of the original account. Trackables do HAVE to be mapped for any of your scores to show up. Otherwise you will only see 0s for your team’s scores.

You can go into your game settings and edit the trackable mapping at any time!